# Commercial
# Are the owner’s manual and other documents also available in other languages apart from English?
Yes, some documents are available in Chinese and Russian. Enapter is working on providing all documentation in other languages.
# Where can I find information about upcoming products?
As soon as information about new devices and products are available, they can be found on the Enapter website. Stay in the loop and sign up for our newsletter.
# Does Enapter offer low pressure electrolysers?
Yes, we also offer low pressure electrolysers of 8 barg for countries with different pressure regulation standards. We thereby recommend using Enapter’s 8 barg dryer alongside the Electrolyser to reach the hydrogen purity of 99.999%.
# Is there a warranty for Enapter products?
Yes. Enapter products are shipped with a standard warranty of one year. By activating the Enapter Management System (EMS), it can be extended to two years. Enapter is happy to set up customised service agreements with customers and partners requiring longer warranties. Here is the link to our warranty conditions (opens new window).
# Is it possible to use Enapter’s electrolysers for heating/powering my home?
Yes. However, Enapter specialises on the AEM electrolyser and auxiliary equipment related to the hydrogen production. Enapter does not offer turnkey solutions with tanks, fuel cells, and other equipment preassembled on site. The good news is our partners do and you can find them here (opens new window).
The Enapter EMS, can provide overview and control of a complete hydrogen production, storage and usage system, including third-party fuel cells and other sensors/inputs/outputs.
Doing rough calculations and assuming 4 months of summer with a total exposure of 2 MWh, that would result in about 500kWh per month and about 16,6kWh per day. Each Enapter electrolyser module could run about 7 h a day, using 2,4kW each and generating 3,5 Nm³ of hydrogen gas daily (~300g).
Over the summer period, an energy content of roughly 1200 kWh could be accumulated.
Enapter’s electrolysers produce hydrogen at 35 barg, which is the maximum storage pressure which could be achieved without a compressor. A steel tank or an array of bottles with an internal volume of 12m³ to hold the 35kg would then be sufficient. A standard fuel cell for stationary applications can turn the hydrogen back into electricity.
Typical fuel cells have an electrical efficiency of around 50%. If the generated heat could be used as well, co-generation fuel cells can reach efficiencies of up to 90%.
# What is the overall efficiency of Enapter’s electrolyser?
With the AEM electrolyser we need 4.8 kWh to produce 1 Nm³ of hydrogen. That means it takes 53.3 kWh to produce 1kg of hydrogen (compressed at 35 barg and with a purity of ~99.9%). 1 kg of hydrogen contains 33.33 kWh / kg (lower heating value), i.e. our electrolyser already has an efficiency of 62.5%. It is important to compare apples with apples: power input, hydrogen production, pressure and purity. These are very different for different manufacturers. System efficiencies (not stack efficiencies) need to be compared.
# Why is AEM the lowest cost electrolyser technology compared to PEM systems and traditional alkaline systems?
AEM is the most promising technology for bringing down the cost of electrolysis, because it combines low stack material cost and low BOP (Balance Of Plant) complexity and cost. The AEM technology allows compact, scalable devices which produce pre-compressed, highly purity hydrogen to be stacked to any flowrate needed.
# What are the maintenance and operational costs for an Enapter electrolyser (EL), dryer (DR) and water tank (WT)?
The electrolyser requires a yearly change of electrolyte, which can be performed by the customer in an easy 20 minutes process.
The dryer is maintenance free.
The water tank is maintenance free if in use. If water is stagnant in the tank for a longer period, it may be necessary to wash the tank before continued usage.
# Is there financing available to buy the Enapter electrolyser?
Please get in touch with us.
# How does the use rate affect the cost-effectiveness of the electrolyser?
Enapter believes that all hydrogen production must be green, therefore Enapter electrolysers are intended to be run from renewable energies, which by nature are decentralized and intermittent. If electricity is available at the right cost for 24 hours, it will result in a faster return of invest of the electrolyser. However, that is a rare occurrence and so Enapter’s devices are designed to be started, stopped, and production rates adjusted as needed.