# Enapter HMI

Monitoring and control of Enapter's AEM Electrolysers connected to the local area network.

  • Autodetect devices in local area network.
  • No internet connection or a Cloud account needed for operation.
  • Support unlimited number of electrolysers.

HMI - Main

# 🚀 Getting Started

# Connecting


Multicast must be enabled for automatic discovery of devices.


Supported versions of Electrolysers:

  • EL 4.1 with firmware version 3.4.0 or later.
  • EL 4.0 with firmware version 3.1.0 or later.
  • EL 2.1 with firmware version 1.10.0 or later.


  • Multicast and Broadcast must be enabled in the local area network.
  • Clients should not be isolated.
  • If you have any restrictions, you can use Add Device Manually.

  1. Connect your electrolysers to the local area network using a cable.
  2. Download and install Enapter HMI app for Android, MacOS, Windows or Linux from http://hmi.enapter.com/ (opens new window).
  3. Ensure your computer or android device connected to the same network as electrolysers.
  4. Open Enapter HMI app on the Android tablet or laptop.

# Connection Example

Connection Example

# Add Device Manually

If the device autodetect does not work you can add electrolysers manually. In order to add the device manually you need to know the IP address of each device.

  • Press the + Add device button located on the top right corner of the screen.

Add Device Manually

  • Add Device Manually overlay will appear.
  • Enter IP address of the electrolyser.
  • Press the Connect button.

# 🔧 Features

  • Data stored locally and might be exported as CSV-file.
  • Manual connection of electrolysers using IP address.
  • All data needed for normal operations and extended telemetry for maintenance or support.


If you want to refill several electrolysers it is recommended to use Enapter HMI (opens new window).

# Service Partner Access

With Service Partner Access you will have access to the extended telemetry set for electrolysers connected to the Enapter HMI.


Your Enapter Cloud account must belong to a certified partner. For more information please contact support@enapter.com.

This documentation provides a step-by-step guide on how to request and activate Service Partner Access for your user account.

  1. Navigate to the Settings in Enapter HMI.
  2. In the Settings menu, locate the option to request Service Partner Access. This option is can be found under the account access section.
  3. Once you've requested Service Partner Access, you will be presented with a Confirmation Phrase. Make sure to copy or carefully rewrite this Confirmation Phrase as you will need it for the next steps.
  4. Open your web browser and navigate to https://cloud.enapter.com/hmi-activate (opens new window).
  5. On the activation website, you will be prompted to insert the Confirmation Phrase you obtained earlier. Paste or manually enter the Confirmation Phrase into the designated field.
  6. After entering the Confirmation Phrase, click the Generate Activation Code button. This will produce an activation code needed for the next step.
  7. Access the Enapter HMI (Human-Machine Interface) where you will be prompted to enter the generated Activation Code. Type in the Activation Code exactly as it appears.
  8. Finally, click the Apply button within the Enapter HMI to complete the activation process.

# Electrolyser Metrics CSV Export

Electrolyser metrics can be exported to a .CSV file. This feature allows detailed data analysis and reporting for better system performance. The table below describes the parameters included in the .CSV file, providing insights into each specific metric.

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Parameter in .CSV file Description
status Device Status
lifetime Total Lifetime, seconds
uptime Time since last reboot, seconds
log_loss Quantity of lost (discarded) log packets
ucm_loss Quantity of lost (discarded) communication packets
storage_free Free Storage Space, bytes
system_free Unallocated Free Memory, bytes
heap_free Total Free Memory, bytes
locate Locate Mode
readonly Read-Only Mode
eth_ip Ethernet IP Address
system System State
electrolyser Electrolyser State
waterrefilling Water Refilling State
service Service State
heartbeat Heartbeat State
hvac Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) subsystem state
recombiner Recombiner State
stack Stack State
curve Polarization Curve State
ui_state Frontend UI State
h2_total Total Produced Hydrogen, NL
h2_flow Hydrogen Flow, NL/hour
production_rate Hydrogen Production Rate, %
stack_runtime Stack Runtime, seconds
stack_cycles Stack Cycles
F103A_out_power Electrolyte Cooler Fan Powered
F103A_in_rpm Electrolyte Cooler Fan Speed, rpm
F103A_out_pwm Electrolyte Cooler Fan Control Signal, %
F104B_in_rpm Air Circulation Fan Speed, rpm
F108C_in_rpm Electronic Compartment Cooling Fan Speed, rpm
F108C_out_pwm Electronic Compartment Cooling Fan Control Signal, %
FM106_in_lmin Electrolyte Flow Meter, L/min
P107_out_power Electrolyte Pump Powered
P107_out_v Electrolyte Pump Control Signal, V
HASS_in_a Stack Current, amperes
HASS_in_v Stack Current Raw Signal, V
PSU_out_power PSU Powered
PSU_in_v Stack Voltage, V
PSU_out_v PSU Control Voltage, V
PT101A_in_bar Stack Pressure, barg
PT101A_in_v Stack Pressure Raw Signal, V
PT101C_in_v Outlet Pressure Raw Signal, V
PT101C_in_bar Outlet Pressure, barg
PT105_in_bar Water Inlet Pressure, barg
TT102A_in_c Electrolyte Temperature, °C
H102_out_power Electrolyte Heater Power
TT106_in_c Downstream Temperature, °C
H109_out_power Recombiner Heater Power
TE109_in_c Recombiner Temperature, °C
HT104_in_ppm Hydrogen Sensor, ppm
HT104_in_v Hydrogen Sensor Raw Signal, V
V5_in_v +5V Board Voltage, V
V12_in_v +12V Board Voltage, V
V24_in_v +24V Board Voltage, V
BAT_in_v Board Battery Voltage, V
MCU_in_c MCU Temperature, °C
BOARD_in_c Board Temperature, °C
TE108_in_c Safety Board Temperature, °C
WLC1_in Water Level Capacitive Sensor, %
LSHH102A_in Very High Electrolyte Level Reached
LSH102B_in High Electrolyte Level Reached
LSM102C_in Medium Electrolyte Level Reached
LSL102D_in Low Electrolyte Level Reached
PSH102_in Electrolyte Tank High Pressure
PSHH101B_in Very High Hydrogen Pressure
TSH106_in Downstream High Temperature Switch
TSH108_in Electronic Compartment High Temperature Switch
TSLL102B_in Very Low Electrolyte Temperature Switch
V101_out_open Purge Line Solenoid Valve Opened
V105_out_open Water Refilling Solenoid Valve Opened
WPS104_in Chassis Water Presence
V106_out_open Electrolyte Cooler Valve Opened
DRYCONTACT_in Dry Contact Triggered
electrolyte_replacement_time Last Electrolyte Replacement, timestamp
depressurization_slope_difference Stack RampUp Check Difference, barg/s
pressurization_slope Stack Purge Check up Slope, barg/s
pressurization_slope_ratio Stack Purge Check-up Ratio
psu_temperature PSU Temperature, °C
psu_air_temperature PSU Air Temperature, °C
psu_board_current Board Current, amperes
psu_board_voltage Board Voltage, V
SB_RELAY_STATUS_in_open Safety Board Relay Status
SB_DRYCONTACT_in_open Safety Board Dry Contact Open
SB_FANDIAG_out_activated Safety Board Fan Diagnostic Activated
SB_WRITE_EN_in_enabled Safety Board Write Enabled
SB_WPSDIAG_out_activated Safety Board Water Purification System Diagnostic Activated
SB_RELAY0_out_open Safety Board Relay Open
SB_PSU_EN_out_power Safety Board PSU Power Allowed
SB_last_code Safety Board Most Important Current Error Code

# Overview Video